9: 30 am | sunday school classes for all ages
10:30 am | worship service
rpc youth | midweek (Wednesdays)
5:00 pm – Bible Study
5:30 pm – youth meal
6:00 PM – Worship Skills
6:30 PM – Recreation
“The Gathering”
Young adults/couples
Led by Dr. Rev. Jody Hill & Monya Hill,
and Kenny & Lynn Hill

“FOURTH WEEK”-Everyone (adults & youth) is invited to attend this special midweek service once a month. We gather for a fellowship meal, games and a devotion-all beginning at 6:00 pm. We encourage everyone to attend and participate in this ministry.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN-is our women’s organization. It is their mission through prayer and Bible Study to support the mission of the church worldwide. Our “Circle” meets the first monday after the second Sunday of each month at 10 am in the Gregg center. All women of the church are invited and encouraged to come and be a part!
PRESBYTERIAN MEN-is our Men’s Group. They meet the first sunday morning of every month at 8:30 am in the Gregg Center for breakfast and a devotional. They sponsor several events during the year to raise funds for our youth programs.
Sunday School Classes~meet at 9:30 am in the Gregg CenTER